“Establishing Evacuation and Emergency Response Plans” is a set of procedures developed by employers to help facilitate safe evacuations in case of workplace emergencies. Emergency evacuation plans usually contain exit routes, locations of designated safe areas, and the specific steps to follow for each type of emergency.
Understanding Evacuation and Emergency Response Plans
Objective: Students will be able to understand the importance of having an evacuation and emergency response plan in place in case of an emergency, as well as be able to create a plan for their own school or community.
- Handouts with emergency scenario scenarios
- Map of school or community
- Markers or colored pencils
- Graph paper or blank paper
- Begin by asking students if they have ever experienced an emergency situation, such as a fire or severe weather event. Allow students to share their experiences and how they responded to the situation.
- Explain to students that it is important for individuals and communities to have an evacuation and emergency response plan in place in case of an emergency, as it can help to ensure the safety of everyone involved.
Direct Instruction:
- Distribute the handouts with emergency scenario scenarios to each student. Have students read through the scenarios and discuss as a class what they would do in each situation.
- Discuss the importance of having an evacuation plan in place. This should include a designated meeting place, a clear evacuation route, and a plan for those with disabilities or special needs.
- Discuss the importance of having an emergency response plan in place. This should include a designated person or group responsible for communicating with authorities and coordinating response efforts.
- Review the different types of emergencies that could occur, including fires, severe weather events, active shooter situations, and chemical spills.
- Have students work in groups to create an evacuation and emergency response plan for their school or community. Each group should use the map of their school or community to mark the designated meeting place, evacuation routes, and any other important details.Guided Practice:
- Have each group present their evacuation and emergency response plan to the class.
- Discuss any potential issues or challenges that the groups may have faced while creating their plans and brainstorm solutions.
Independent Practice:
- Have students complete a written reflection on the importance of having an evacuation and emergency response plan in place.
- Review the importance of having an evacuation and emergency response plan in place in case of an emergency.
- Remind students that it is important to regularly review and update these plans to ensure that they are effective in the event of an emergency.
- Encourage students to share their knowledge and the importance of having a plan with their families and communities.
- Observe students during group work and presentations to assess their understanding of the importance of having an evacuation and emergency response plan in place.
- Evaluate written reflections on the importance of these plans.