
Objective: Students will be able to understand the dangers and consequences of drug abuse and will be able to identify strategies for preventing drug abuse in their own lives.


  • Handouts with information about different types of drugs and their effects on the body
  • Handouts with information about the legal consequences of drug abuse
  • Handouts with tips for preventing drug abuse, such as finding healthy coping mechanisms and seeking help if needed


  • Ask students to share their experiences or knowledge about drug abuse. What do they know about drugs and their effects on the body?
  • Write their responses on the board for discussion.


  • Review the definition of drug abuse and explain that it includes the use of illegal drugs as well as the misuse of prescription and over-the-counter medications.
  • Discuss the dangers of drug abuse, including physical and mental health risks, legal consequences, and social impacts.

Direct Instruction:

  • Distribute the handouts with information about different types of drugs and their effects on the body.
  • Have students read through the handouts and discuss the information as a class.
  • Discuss the legal consequences of drug abuse, including jail time and fines. Distribute the handouts with information about these consequences.
  • Discuss the importance of seeking help if needed, such as through therapy or support groups.

Guided Practice:

  • Have students work in small groups to come up with strategies for preventing drug abuse in their own lives.
  • Have each group share their strategies with the class.

Independent Practice:

  • Distribute the handouts with tips for preventing drug abuse, such as finding healthy coping mechanisms and seeking help if needed.
  • Have students reflect on the strategies they came up with in the guided practice and consider how they can incorporate these strategies into their own lives.


  • Review the dangers and consequences of drug abuse and the strategies for preventing drug abuse.
  • Ask students to share one action they can take to prevent drug abuse in their own lives.


  • Observe students during the group work and independent practice to assess their understanding of the material.
  • Collect the handouts with strategies for preventing drug abuse and use them as a formative assessment to see how well students are able to apply the strategies to their own lives.

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